It’s taken a while to get our mitts on a PC copy of TheWitcher 3, but we’ve finally got some hands-on time with CD Projekt
RED’s latest. We’ll be getting a host of benchmarks soon, but in the meantime
it’s time to have a rustle through The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’s graphics options
and settings menus.
There’s an absolute stack of things to tweak and fiddle with
in The Witcher 3, as you’d expect from the folks at CDPR. If you’re not hitting
those Witcher 3recommended requirements then it’s going to be worth spending a
bit of time in the graphics options detailed below to find the optimum
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Graphics Options
- Graphics
Presets: Low / Medium / High/ Ultra
- VSync:
Off / On
- Maximum
Frames Per Second: Unlimited - 60 (Slider)
- Display:
No. of Monitors (Slider)
- Resolution
- Display
Mode: Windowed / Borderless Window / Full Screen
- Nvidia
HairWorks: Off / On
- Number
of Background Characters: Low / Medium / High/ Ultra
- Shadow
Quality: Low / Medium / High/ Ultra
- Terrain
Quality: Low / Medium / High/ Ultra
- Water
Quality: Low / Medium / High/ Ultra
- Grass
Density: Low / Medium / High/ Ultra
- Texture
Quality: Low / Medium / High/ Ultra
- Foliage
Visibility Range: Low / Medium / High/ Ultra
- Detail
Level: Low / Medium / High/ Ultra
- Hardware
Cursor: Off / On
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Postprocessing Effects
- Motion
Blur: Off / On
- Blur:
Off / On
- Anti-Aliasing:
Off / On
- Bloom:
Off / On
- Sharpening:
Off / On
- Ambient
Occlusion: None / SSAO / HBAO+
- Depth
of Field: Off / On
- Chromatic
Aberration: Off / On
- Vignetting:
Off / On
As you’d expect there’s a huge amount of options to play
with in The Witcher 3. Ultimately it’s a very demanding game, so having a play
around with these settings could reap dividends. There’s the usual presets
available for quick settings changes, including Low, Medium, High and Ultra.
For point of reference, Nvidia claim a GTX 970 is needed for 1080p at Ultra and
a GTX 960 for 1080p/High.
We'll have some screens for you soon, but it's worth saying
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt still looks surprisingly good, even on Medium, so if
you're at the lower end of the requirements there's little need to worry. You
need quite a bit of extra hardware power to begin cranking those quality
settings up however, but the higher those settings go, the less noticeable the visual
impact. On first impressions it's things like foliage and vegetation that
benefit most, with a lot more of it in a lot more detail, creating a living,
vibrant world.
In other parts of the menu you'll find full keybinding
options, as well as the ability to change the HUD size - vital if you're
planning on playing The Witcher 3 hooked up to a TV.
Keep your eyes out today for benchmark videos of The Witcher
3, as well as comparison screens and an in-depth look at performance hits from
various graphics options.
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